Thursday, January 31, 2008

Go Hufflepuff

Way to go Hufflepuffs, only 3 left MIA for quidditch. I know we can stay on top.


Yet another Hufflepuff posting Quidditch to my journal!


Another Hufflepuff answers the call of duty

My answers are posted on my blog!

Ravenclaw Quidditch Answers

Neila -Emma has answered her Ravenclaw duty! The quiz is posted at my blog.

Ravenclaw Power

My answers and pictures are up.

My Quidditch Answers

My Quidditch answers have been posted... I hadn't posted here, but started to get nervous that I was supposed to since so many others have!

Go Ravenclaw!

The questions were asked...

And I have answered.

I think that my picture of the Dark Mark is the most beautiful to date.


I learned how to make a sticky!!! Doing the happy dance!!

Ravenclaw Birthday

Happy Birthday, Allitrya!!

'Wicked' Slytherin

I do wish you would allow comments at your blog - every time I read it I want to tell you how much I enjoy it. I love the character you've created. Well done!

Ravenclaws Soar

Quidditch answers are up on my blog.

Go Ravenclaw!

Are We Ready Ravenclaws!

All the drama of the day is over and forgotten and it's time to focus our attention on finding the Golden Snitch! We are Ravenclaws because of our intelligence so I know we will find a way to find that Snitch. It's our turn to soar!

Are your brooms in working order? Uniforms clean and pressed? Beaters, are you ready? Seeker, I hope you're rested and alert. I know this is our first match as a team but I have total faith in your abilities to move us up to No. 1.

Answers up

I posted my answers and pictures.

Rah Rah Ravenclaws!


Dear Madam Pomfrey has taken ill, so all further cases of illness and injury will be transported to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies until further notice.

All detentions that were scheduled for the hospital wing . . . . eh-hem!! Will be served with Professor Von Humperdink today and Professor Black tomorrow. Hopefully, Madam Pomfrey will feel better on Monday. We wish her well!

Snitch Release

The Snitch has found it's home! Yay!! It will be released on Saturday between:

9 a.m. - Noon PST

Noon - 3 p.m. EST

5 p.m. - 8 p.m. England

Midnight - 3 a.m. Japan

Correct me if I'm wrong on those last two :)

What happens when the Snitch is found? The seeker who finds the Snitch will need to come back to the Visiting List post and post the direct url where they found the Snitch. Hopefully, there are no previous Snitches out there. So, even if someone has posted before you, but you think that you've found the correct one please still leave a message. The visiting list will be published just before 9 a.m. PST.
posted answers

Go Slytherin

My Trivia answers are posted on my blog, come on, we can easily have 100% participation here...

And the snitch has to be ours, we deserve to win the House Cup

Answers and Pics are up

!!!Go Ravenclaws!!!


Go Ravens!

My answers to Quidditch are up on my blog.

Answers are up

I posted my Quidditch answers yesterday, forgot to post here when I was finished.



We've surfed across the Internet
We've been to many a shop
We're here today
We're here to stay
The fearless Ravenclaw won't go away!

Let's go Ravenclaw! Let's find that Golden Snitch.

Daily Prophet, Issue 22

Good Morning, fellow Hogwarts students!
I'm up late here at work, so I thought that I would post now because I'm liable to take a nap in the morning.

Quidditch - Round One
The first round of Quidditch has started with a BANG!! There are still 2 more days to get your trivia up before the Snitch is released, so don't worry. I'm sure your housemates will not let you down.

This swap is full of things that have never happened before at Hogwarts!!! I have been truly amazed! It seems that the Ravenclaws got in in their heads that they would push the Quidditch post down off the page as soon as I posted it. It was a somewhat clever attempt to sabotage the other houses out of a chance to answer the trivia, but alas! The Ravenclaws were found out. All houses must be forewarned, however; any further attempt to beat another house out of the chance to participate in Quidditch will receive a 50 pt. reduction in House points! All earlier 'sabotage' posts were deleted. That is all that will be said about that.

The Snitch
I'm still looking for a home for the Snitch. Please be sure to check your emails because you may be the lucky host of the Snitch (if I can just get someone to respond!!).

Hogwarts Happenings
This afternoon, during the Quidditch match, several of the Ravenclaws decided to use the confundus charm, but because Fleur Lovegoods wand was stepped on earlier in the week the charm backfired, and each of the girls did some things that were characteristically thought to be Slytherin type deeds. Lady Felula caught them in the act and before the girls knew it they were stuck in detention after school for the next two days - Ophelia Crookshanks, Fleur Lovegoods, Lavender Diggory, and Esmeralda Beanswallow. There were a few others, but it appears that they ran away before they were caught. What is their punishment, you ask?? Cleaning out bedpans in the hospital wing without magic.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quidditch- Hufflepuff will come out on top!!!!

My answers are posted on my blog.



I am done! I overdid it a bit on the pictures, but TOO MUCH IS NOT ENOUGH! Right?
:) Lily D

Ravishing Ravenclaws

Smart and smart!  My answers, pics and surprise link are up at Beanswallow's.

Go Badgers!

My answers to Quidditch Round 1 are posted!

Slytherin Answers - Round 1

I have posted the answers to Quidditch Round 1 on my blog.



My answers are up on my blog !

Answers Posted

Violet LeVeela - Huffelpuff House here - I 've posted my answers on my NON charcter blog. GO Hufflepuffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! off to work on my project bag.

Quidditch Questions

I posted my answers.



My quiz and pictures are posted to my blog.

Go Ravenclaw!

Quidditch answers posted.

On to Victory, Ravenclaw

I so heart Qudditch!

Go Ravenclaw!!!

My answers are up on my blog. Go Ravenclaw!!!

Quidditch--IT'S ON!!!!

My answers are also posted. Ravenclaws---waving your magic wands to try to make the quiz disappear off the first page???? Is that all you got?????

Go Gryffindor!!!

My quidditch answers are up on my blog

Petunia Cadagon

Hufflepuff Cheer!

My answers are posted for the Quidditch Quiz.

Hufflepuff is number one!
We are here to have some fun!
Find the snitch in record time!
Leave the other teams behind!

Hufflepuff is in the lead!
Moving fast and gaining speed!
The other teams are in our dust!
Hufflepuff – VICTORIOUS!


My answers are all posted!

Since the questons keep getting burried I thought I would try to bump them up so everyone has a fair shot at seeing them- They're right here.

Go Gryffindor!!!

In case you missed it...

Just thought I'd be a peach and repost the questions since I noticed they were getting a wee bit down the front page. :)

Please post these questions to your blogs.
If you have a character blog do not post them to your muggle blog.
The Snitch is still looking for it's home. I'll notify you of the release time soon.

1. What was Harry dreaming about the first time he woke up with his scar on fire?

a. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Dumbledore
b. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill him
c. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Sirius
d. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Cornelius Fudge

2. What is the problem with leprechaun gold?
a. It vanishes after a few hours
b. It vanishes after a few weeks
c. It's only good in Ireland
d. It enchants you and makes you forget everything else

3. Why did Mad-Eye Moody turn Malfoy into a ferret?
a. Malfoy had said something rude about Mad-Eye
b. He was teaching him 'constant vigilance'
c. Malfoy attached Harry when Harry's back was turned
d. He hated Malfoy's father

4. Sirius warns Harry to be careful around Karkaroff because he had been a Death Eater. Which one of the professors at Hogwarts, who also used to be a Death Eater, is frequently bothered by Karkaroff?
(Answer is One Word, Last Name Only)

5. Voldemort could have used the blood from any foe to make the potion that revived him work, but he held out for Harry's blood. Why?
a. To show that Dumbledore could not protect Harry
b. To prove that Harry could not apparate
c. The special protection Harry received from his mother would also pass to Voldemort
d. Simply because he hated Harry that much

6. How old would Frank have been on his next birthday?
a. 76
b. 73
c. 70
d. 77

7. Amos Diggory works for?
a. The Department of Mysteries
b. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
c. The Goblin Liaison Office
d. The Committee of Experimental Charms

8. Who shared a carriage with the three friends on the way from the train to Hogwarts?
Answer: (One Word)

9. What date in October did the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive?
a. 30th
b. 31st
c. 1st
d. 2nd

10. What color were Percy's dress robes at the Yule Ball?
a. Navy Blue
b. Maroon
c. Emerald Green
d. Claret

Picture Scavenger Hunt
Please either post the pictures to your blog or link to where the pictures can be found.

Mr. Ollivander
Mad-Eye Moody
World Cup Tournament
Dark Mark


All right Ravenclaws! Our time is now!!

Time to make up some points!
If we all stick together,
We can really make up for lost time.

Or lost points, as the case may be...

G O R A V E N C L A W !!!

Quidditch Rnd 1

My answers are posted on my blog

Let's Go Ravenclaw!

Let's move it and groove it!
Come on team, get to it!
Zoom on those brooms from side to side
Show the others our Ravenclaw pride!

Rah Rah Ravenclaw!

Fly Eagles fly!
Fly Eagles fly!
Fight for the House we love so dearly
Beaters hit 'em high
Beaters hit 'em low
Throw the Quaffle through the goal
We'll praise her name
Boost her to fame
Fly for the Bronze and the Blue
Beaters hit 'em, Chasers score 'em
Hit 'em, score 'em, Ravenclaw 'em!

(found here)

Quidditch - Round One

Please post these questions to your blogs.
If you have a character blog do not post them to your muggle blog.
The Snitch is still looking for it's home. I'll notify you of the release time soon.

1. What was Harry dreaming about the first time he woke up with his scar on fire?

a. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Dumbledore
b. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill him
c. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Sirius
d. Voldemort and Wormtail plotting to kill Cornelius Fudge

2. What is the problem with leprechaun gold?
a. It vanishes after a few hours
b. It vanishes after a few weeks
c. It's only good in Ireland
d. It enchants you and makes you forget everything else

3. Why did Mad-Eye Moody turn Malfoy into a ferret?
a. Malfoy had said something rude about Mad-Eye
b. He was teaching him 'constant vigilance'
c. Malfoy attached Harry when Harry's back was turned
d. He hated Malfoy's father

4. Sirius warns Harry to be careful around Karkaroff because he had been a Death Eater. Which one of the professors at Hogwarts, who also used to be a Death Eater, is frequently bothered by Karkaroff?
(Answer is One Word, Last Name Only)

5. Voldemort could have used the blood from any foe to make the potion that revived him work, but he held out for Harry's blood. Why?
a. To show that Dumbledore could not protect Harry
b. To prove that Harry could not apparate
c. The special protection Harry received from his mother would also pass to Voldemort
d. Simply because he hated Harry that much

6. How old would Frank have been on his next birthday?
a. 76
b. 73
c. 70
d. 77

7. Amos Diggory works for?
a. The Department of Mysteries
b. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
c. The Goblin Liaison Office
d. The Committee of Experimental Charms

8. Who shared a carriage with the three friends on the way from the train to Hogwarts?
Answer: (One Word)

9. What date in October did the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive?
a. 30th
b. 31st
c. 1st
d. 2nd

10. What color were Percy's dress robes at the Yule Ball?
a. Navy Blue
b. Maroon
c. Emerald Green
d. Claret

Picture Scavenger Hunt
Please either post the pictures to your blog or link to where the pictures can be found.

Mr. Ollivander
Mad-Eye Moody
World Cup Tournament
Dark Mark

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And you thought Prof McPotions was sexy.....

A little something for all of us to enjoy...

Hufflepuff House Quiz 2 Winner

Once again the Goblet of Fire has choosen a winner for our house quiz from those who participated and answered correctly.

The winner is......

Bella the Beautiful

Bella's prize is a set of Hufflepuff House stitchmarkers.

All quiz prizes will be shipped after the House cup is awared.

Here are the correct answers: It seems that I had a few stumper question in the is quiz.

1. What does Mrs. Weasley do when she is angry?
Cooks She does blow up at those that are nearest her so I accepted that as an answer too.
2. Who picks up Harry for his visit to the Burrow?
Mr. Weasley, Ron, and the Twins
3. What did Moody give Neville?
Herbology Book
4. When is Hermione’s Birthday?
September 19
5. Who does Snape have pickling rats brains for detention?
Harry and Ron
6. Are Dobby and Winky at Hogwarts at the beginning of term?
No they arrive on Nov 30
7. Where do Harry, Ron and Hermione pick up sock for Dobby?
8. Who helps Harry figure out the egg?
Moaning Myrtle and Cedric
9. Where does Harry have his first meeting with Sirius?
Common room fire place
10. Who interrupts the above mentioned meeting with Sirius?

Drumroll PLease...

::waves wand::

OK, Forget the drumroll...

The Winner of the First Gryffindor House quiz is.....

Cassandra Grubbly-Plank
Congratulations Cassandra!!!
You will receive your package by owl post shortly.
Let's get ready for some QUIDDITCH!!!!!!

Daily Prophet, Issue 21

Quidditch in T minus 1 day and . . .

Are you excited???!!! Okay, calm down - take a breath - it will all be okay. :) So, this is what is happening. Tomorrow the trivia questions and such will be posted on the site. Each person is able to earn 25 points collectively for their House for the trivia and the scavenger hunt. No points are subtracted during Quidditch - there is only the opportunity to add points. More than likely the questions will go up tomorrow morning between 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. PST.

The Snitch
Today I will find it's hiding place and ask someone to hide the Snitch on their site on Saturday morning. After I that person agrees I will announce the release time. During the next round of Quidditch the Snitch will be released during the week in the afternoon.

Hogwarts Clock
Many of you have noticed the Hogwarts clock to your right. At the request of Lavender Diggory I've placed a clock on the site displaying my current time, so that when I mention certain times and forget to mention the zone you'll know what time it is where I am.

Organized Knitting Club
This is totally OT, but since I created it I thought that I would get the word out :)

Good Luck Slytherins

Well I am off on my broom for a visit with my daughter. Good Luck to every one in the Quidditch match. I am not sure if I will be around a computer for the release for the snitch but watch my blog for my answers.

Happy Hunting!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Recipes Anyone??

With the enthusiastic consent of our brilliant and much loved Headmistress, Hogwarts now has a recipe blog!!! I have invited every member of the HSKS swap to join. If anyone hasn't received an invitation please let me know ASAP!

Come on in for a visit

Daily Prophet, Issue 20

Good Afternoon!!

A short announcement first -

Monday, January 28, 2008

Blogger will be unavailable Monday (1/28) at 4:00PM PST for about 10 minutes for maintenance. Posted by John at 12:21 PST

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!! Mine was much needed after such a busy week. My church is going through the Purpose Driven Life together and is has meant meeting together more often! It's all good, though.

Cassandra Black
The man-who-shall-not-be-named did almost take off with one of our own, but she was recovered a few short hours after we thought there was no more hope. She was found hiding in the restroom. The poor thing was struck by the Sponge-Knees curse as she dashed into Myrtle's bathroom. The effects, unfortunately, lasted longer than they should have. Please visit Cassandra Black and offer your support. The poor thing had to spend a few hours in Madam Ponfrey's Infirmary after the ordeal.

Great Hall Chat
I have a meeting with a fellow Headmistress from a nearby school and will be available to chat from 5:30 PST until 6:15 p.m. Please stop by if you can. Well make this an unofficial chat since it wasn't announced earlier. I'm still working on a daytime chat also, so be looking for that announcement soon.

Delivery Confirmation (U.S. Residents)
This is just a little reminder that for your main packages - the one containing the bag - please email me your delivery confirmation tracking number so that I may add it to my database.

Lucky Little Witch

I'm such a lucky little witch! I received an owl today from my spoiler--a very, very nicely done package with a 2008 Harry Potter Calendar journal! It's so good to be me!!!! Just wanted to publicly thank my spoiler, Bathilda Boomslang, and tell her how AWESOME she is!

Faulty Clock

Oh dear! I've just noticed that the Hogwarts clock is slow - by a phenomenal 8 hours! Perhaps Mr. Filch ought to take a look at it?

Ravenclaw House Quiz #2 Winner

I again put the names of all Ravenclaws who participated in the second House Quiz into the Goblet of Fire. After a very short wait, out of the Goblet of Fire soared the name of the winner....


Congratulations, Olive! You have won a skein of Fawkes sock yarn from Faery Fiber!

Well Done

Well done Slytherins, well done Slytherins.

We have moved up to second place
in the house cup competition.

However, the Dark Lord was unhappy with the level of devotion of one of our members and Ava Kadavra'd the poor girl. So just nine of us remain. There is safety in numbers, we must stick together and keep posting so no one else disappears into the Dark Forest, or worse behind the Veil.

Slytherin Prefect

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Updated House Scores - Wk. 2

Hello! I know that the scores are going to seem kind of wonky, but we had to clean house a little bit this week, so some of the percentages were bound to change even if everyone in your houses posted this week. Keep in mind also, that in the last two weeks, we've only been subtracting points. With Quidditch coming this week all things will change!

Out of all four houses only 1 person did not post this week, but 2 people dropped out of the swap, and 1 person was dropped because of no activity. The houses that have lost people are Gryffindor and Slytherin.

1st place ~ Hufflepuff - 90%

2nd place ~ Slytherin - 77%

3rd place ~ Gryffindor - 73%

4th place ~ Ravenclaw - 71 %

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Happy Weekend Ravenclaws!!

Just a few friendly reminders for you:

1. Be sure that you have posted to your blog this week. Our wonderful Headmistress will be tallying the scores later and we want to show Hogwarts that the BIGGEST (and the best) House has 100% participation!! :0D

2. Your homework (house quiz #2) is due by tomorrow night. Don't forget...our Prefect will be putting all the names of those that have participated into the Goblet of Fire once again and offering another great prize to the winner! Make sure you post your answers, either to your character blogs, or as a comment to the Quiz on this main blog by tomorrow to be counted!

Remember...Professor Flitwick says:

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hufflepuff Quiz #2

Posted my answers to this week's quiz!

Go Badgers!

Quidditch FAQ

What will the Snitch look like?
Here is a sample of what you are looking for. This one is from a previous HSKS. Pay close attention to the "Round #" because it changes to coincide with the current Quidditch match.

Where will the Snitch be?
For those of you that are super sleuths, this little tip may be helpful. I usually hide the Snitch on a dynamic website. That actually narrows it down quite a bit. IF you don't know what that means I can't really tell you because then you would be able to find the Snitch too easily. All I can say is it may or may not be on the first page.

What time will the Snitch be released?
The Snitch will be released at a different time each match to accommodate those of us in different time zones. A couple of days before I will announce the four-hour window of it's release time.

Will we have access to all the websites in order to search for the Snitch?
Yes. I am putting together a visiting list which will be posted here on this blog of all the qualifying sites.

Hufflepuff Quiz 2 posted

I've posted my answers to week 2 quiz... Yippee. Go Hufflepuffs.

Attention Hufflepuffs

This is just a few friendly reminders:

Be sure you have posted to your blog this week. If you havne't yet your house quiz answers will count as a post for the week.

Your 2nd house quiz are due Sunday by midnight. You can find the quiz in the archive list in the bar on the right side.

I aslo need all Huffles to check their emails for an electronic owl from me. Please reply to when you recieve it so that I know you are recieving your owls without any problems.

Daily Prophet, Issue 19

This is the beautiful cake that was designed for the premier of The Order of the Phoenix by my favorite Charm City Cakes in Baltimore from the show Aces of Cakes.

Anonymous Posting - Do You Allow It?
Those that have blogger accounts please consider allowing anonymous posting during this swap so that your partner can leave messages on your blog without leaving their real name. I've had a few people email me saying that they would like to leave a message on their swapee's blog, but they don't want to reveal their identity.

Hogwarts Happenings
All of the faculty at Hogwarts are preparing for the next Quidditch match. The castle is abuzz with questions, previous Quidditch experiences, and suggestions. If you have a question (any question), experience, or suggestion, please leave a post here. I will publish a special edition tonight just to address the needs and inquiries. To the left is a Quidditch cake also made by Charm City Cakes.

Ravenclaw Quiz #2

My answers to the Ravenclaw Quiz #2 are the comments. Cool Quiz!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Slytherin House Syllabus

Evening Syltherin House,
You should all have received an owl bringing you a Slytherin House Syllabus. Please mark the dates on your calendars. If you did not receive your Syllabus please let me know. The Alumni Sponsors for the next challenge, Arithmancy Trivia, is the Malfoy Family. Lucius has asked Narcissa to choose something absolutely lovely (and probably expensive) for the winner. More details next week.

Slytherin Prefect

Hogwarts Castle cake on the Food Network

Just a quick note to all Hogwarts students:

I don't know how many of you have access to muggle tv in your common rooms, but on the Food Network tonight at 10:30pm ET/PT they will be airing an episode of Ace of Cakes where they make a Hogwarts castle shaped cake w/ lake for the LA premiere of the Order of the Phoenix. It's the biggest cake the bakery had made to date and it looks like it should be wickedly awesome and very enchanting.

Check here for other air times of the episode if you're interested.

Let's Hear It For Ravenclaw!

Other houses stand in awe,
Oh! to be a Ravenclaw!



Please check your secret e-mail addresses for some important information!


Ravenclaw Reminder

Good afternoon Ravenclaws. May I have your attention, please. Wands down, books closed, needles quiet.

This is a reminder that answers to the second House Quiz are due by midnight on Sunday. An excellent prize awaits the winner.

Secondly, and more importantly, we need everyone to post to their blog immediately. It takes so little time to post a few words. Hit two birds with one stone ~ post your answers to the House Quiz and you fulfill the requirement of posting to your blog.

Finally, it has come to my attention that there was more than butterbeer being served in the Common Room last night. I will be investigating more.

My deepest apologies to my fellow Slytherins


My apologies to my Slytherin sisters (and brothers?), for I was the one with the slow owl who negatively affected our point total.

Not to worry, our headmistress has rectifed the situation and I now know I made it in this term :)


Olive Broomfleet

ps - I posted my Parseltongue translations on my muggle blog.

Daily Prophet, Issue 18

Good Morning to all!! I completely forgot to wish Perpetua Phoenixfire a Happy Birthday yesterday. I meant to include it in my Daily Prophet post and literally forgot after clicking the button to post!!! How senile is that?? Either that or the person that released the ferrets yesterday was working overtime to put some type of memory stealing Hex on me. So, so sad.

Well, if you haven't been over to wish Ms. Phoenixfire a happy birthday, please take the time to do so today.

Name Changes

I'm so sorry that I didn't not have the chance to email everyone to let them know that their swapees name might have changed after registration was closed because of duplicate names. Below is a list of those that changed their names. If you see your swapees name you might want to contact them to confirm. Some have changed houses as well as names.

Henrietta Sweeting (G) > Cressida Townsbury (G)
Selina Starfire (R) > Cecillia Kettleburn (R)
Selina Starfire (R) > Selina Starflame (R)
Celestina Phoenixfire (G) > DenAzaella Daemonova (S)
Penelope Pinkstone (R) > Patonga Pinkstone (R)
Penelope Pinkstone (G) > Hermione Phoenixfire (G)

There might have been some others. I'll update this list as I'm informed.

Hogwarts Happenings
It appears that many of the students here at Hogwarts have been getting tipsy on more than their share of Butterbeer!! The term has barely started, students, and already the halls have been filled with mischief. I'll have you know that butterbeer hasn't nary a drop of alcohol in it. Did you know that? Ha! Below is the recipe:

Butterbeer Ingredients:

  • Root Beer or cream soda

  • Butter

  • Cream

  • Butterscotch (chips, sauce or both!)

How to make it:
Pour the (root beer/cream soda) in a cup, and the butter & butterscotch into a a small bowl. Put the bowl of butter and butterscotch in the microwave and melt it.
Then put the root beer in the microwave, but not for long because you want it to be moderately warm, or it isn't fizzy and good anymore!
Pour some melted butter and butterscotch in the root beer but not too much! Then pour some cream (coffee cream) in. Then stir it all up. It might take a few tries to make it to your liking!

Ogden's Old Firewhiskey, on the other hand . . . .

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gryffindor Mischief

Gryffindor house members have always been known for being brave and exploring. We are only doing our part to keep the Gryffindor spirit alive. ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!


I figured it out.
That was fun!

Torn Between Two Houses

Oh my goodness, I'm not sure what to think. I just figured out the Slytherin quiz, and I'm a LIONESS!

Slytherin Parseltongue Challenge

Parseltongue Challenge

SLYTHERINS - To earn your Parseltongue button you must translate the
following statements from parseltongue Symbols to English letters.

Hint: SLYTHERIN = S l y t h e r i n

Power hungry Slytherin
loved those of great ambition.

In Slytherin you'll make
your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any

To achieve their ends.

There is no good and evil, there is only power and
those too weak to seek it.

Bonus points will be awarded for identifying the two sources
of the statements. Suggestion, copy and paste the statements into a word processing program and enlarge the symbols.

Your translations should be posted to your personal or character blogs by Saturday January 26, 2008.

Paletpc, Sytherin Prefect

Daily Prophet, Issue 17

Hello, my fine furry friends!! LOL j/k I always say that to my kids because it just sounds funny. Not much going on around Hogwarts. Everyone is settling down. Well, actually, not quite settling down. There was quite a ruckus in the kitchen last night, I here. And who were the trouble makers, I ask you??? Ferrets!!!! Yes, that's right! There were ferrets all over the kitchen, and unfortunately they ate all of the Cornish Pasties and the Steak & Kidney Pudding! And unfortunately for some, all of the Spotted Dick is also gone.

Which House is responsible for such a travesty?

Hear Ye, Hear Ye
I need every single person that emailed me with a name change to email me again. After I did the initial sign ins I changed your name on the site, but obviously your parter - the one sending to you - still thinks that you have the old name. So, I need to put together a conclusive list of everyone that changed their names. Thanks!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gryffindor House Quiz

I have dutifully answered the call of my proud house. 


Gryffindor House Quiz

Is posted on my blog.

Petunia Cadagon

Daily Prophet, Issue 16

I think this latest post ever for the Daily Prophet. Everyone in my house is sick except me and 2 of the girls. Well, I think that my body is fighting it, but I definitely don't feel as well today as I did yesterday. I'm drinking lots of peppermint tea, though!!

I just wanted to calm the fears of those that have not received any communication from their swap partners as of yet. Be sure to drink some Drought of Peace. I and the prefects are working double-time in order to keep in contact with everyone so that we will know long before the deadline if your partner is in fact not fulfilling their duties.

With that said, anyone who is found not participating over a 2 week consecutive span of time will be dropped from the swap.

House Points
Unfortunately, there was a loss in communication between me and one of the Gryffindor house members. This changed the points from the previous weeks, so they have been adjusted. I know this may cause a little stress on your parts, but after today I believe that all inconsistencies have been discovered.

Hogwarts Happenings
The Goblet of Fire

The age line is no longer a part of the decision making - at least not during this round of Quidditch. So first years will be able to join in the fun. The weighing of the wands has taken place and many have put their best want forward for the challenge.

The first challenge - Dragons - will take place during the first round of Quidditch next week. The Snitch is the main focus of next week's game, but there will also be a Golden Egg which will leave a clue as to what may take place during the second round of Quidditch - the second challenge.

A Moment of Silence for a Great Actor
Heath Ledger was found dead this morning of an apparent drug overdose. Please - a moment of silence for a great actor.

Gryffindor Quiz Answer

I posted my answer to my page as well. I may not be the first to get 'er done, but gosh was it fun!

Very Clever Gryffindor Quiz

to which my answers are posted on my blog. Good show, CP!

Hufflepuff House Quiz #2

This weeks quiz questions are inspired by the Goblet Of Fire. You have until Sunday January 27th at midnight to answer the questions since I'm getting this up late. Post your answers on your blogs (character or main) or here as a comment.

1. What does Mrs. Weasley do when she is angry?
2. Who picks up Harry for his visit to the Burrow?
3. What did Moody give Neville?
4. When is Hermione’s Birthday?
5. Who does Snape have pickling rats brains for detention?
6. Are Dobby and Winky at Hogwarts at the beginning of term?
7. Where do Harry, Ron and Hermione pick up sock for Dobby?
8. Who helps Harry figure out the egg?
9. Where does Harry have his first meeting with Sirius?
10. Who interrupts the above mentioned meeting with Sirius?


Answers are on my blog! Go Gryffindor!!


It has come to my attention that there may be some confusion as to your assigned spoilee. I am asking that each of you privately email me with the name of your spoilee so I can verify it against the list I have. All information will remain secret. Thanks!

Answers Posted on my Blog

I finished the quiz in record time but blogger wouldn't let me post. Answers are on my blog.
Roar Roar Gryffindor!

Communication Issue

It seems there are some that are concerned about not being contacted by their "Spoiler". On the other hand, there are many "Spoilers" that do not want to contact their "Spoilee" because they would like to remain secret until the end of the swap. This is actually, a secret swap, and I, for one, am of the opinion that if you don't want to contact your "Spoilee" and keep your identity a secret, that just adds that much more to all the fun. Imagine how fun it will be for a "Spoilee" to receive a package from their "Spoiler" who took the extra time to get to know them without asking them direct questions. That's brilliant!

This being said, I just want to direct everyone that might not be reading this blog to Miss Mandy Finch-Fletchley's Week Two - Communication post. This is an outstanding post for both those that are concerned about no contact and those that are not contacting. She gives fantastic ideas here on how to get around the contact issue, and still keep your identity secret from your pal.

Of course, if you don't see any "secret" communications appearing, by all means get in touch with your Prefect, who can do some digging for you. If they get back to you and let you know that your "Spoiler" is actively participating in the swap you can probably rest assured that they just want to really surprise you. :D

Thanks again, Miss Mandy, for the awesome post!

Gryffindor House Quiz

Good Morning Gryffindors! Submit your answers on your blogs or via e-mail to You have until 1/29/2008 at 10am EST to complete!! Good Luck!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hufflepuff Quiz #1 Winner

Sorry for the delay in posting the winner, I had family over this weekend.
The Goblet of Fire has choosen a winner for our first house quiz from those who participated and answered correctly. The winner is......

Violet Le Veela

Violet's prize is a pair of Hogwarts stitchmarkers.

All house quiz prizes will be shipped out after the House cup is awarded.
The correct answers to the quiz are:
1. How many members of Dumbledore’s Army are from Hufflepuff house?
2. Which famous member of Hufflepuff is related to Sirius Black? Bonus points for tell me how.
Tonks, her mother Andromeda is Sirius’ cousin
3. What is the name of the Hufflepuff house member sorted before Harry in PS?
Justin Finch-Fetchley
4. Who shared a recipe for Yule Logs?
Helga Lovegoods
5. List the 3 Hufflepuffs that have listed in their blogs about their wands and what wood they are made of?
Bella the Beautiful- Apple
Cliodna Trelawney- Maple
Antonia Marie dela Weasley- mahogany
6. Who was locked out after forgetting the password?
Petunia Acromantula

Ravenclaw House Quiz #2

Here is your second House Quiz. This one is a word scramble. The only hint I will give you is that all words come from Goblet of Fire.

The rules remain the same: Post your answers by midnight, Sunday, January 27. Your answers can be posted to your character blog, as a comment to this posting, on the HSKS4 blog, or emailed to me. Everyone who participates will have her name put in the Goblet of Fire for determination of the winner of a prize. Are there any questions? If not, here are the words:











Good luck!

UPDATE: There is an error in #3. It should be ODYOM. I will accept all answers for this one.

Ravenclaw House Quiz #1 Winner

I put the names of all the students who handed in answers to the first House Quiz into the Goblet of Fire. I waited patiently until the Goblet of Fire gave up the name of the winner. The deserving winner is.................


Congratulations! You have won a Harmony circular needle. It will be sent to you after the awarding of the House Cup.

Who will be our next House Quiz winner?

Daily Prophet, Issue 15

Good Morning, afternoon, evening!! There is so much I don't even know what to begin with! Last week was such a fun week. So fun I can't even believe that everyone has only been back at Hogwarts for a week! Well, enough glee - let's get on with the news, shall we?

Great Hall Chat
Don't forget the chat today in the Great Hall. The chat times are listed in the Great Hall chat room and in issue 14 of the Daily Prophet.

The Raven's Nest
The cleaver Ravenclaws have put together a wonderful newsletter which has been emailed to every Ravenclaws Potter Email addy. So, make sure you check you boxes.

House Quizzes
I just wanted to clarify that the House quizzes are incentives to post given by your prefect with the promise of a prize drawing. The quizzes do not count towards House points, but they are fun, and in a way help each house member to get to know each other a little bit better. So, please take the time to post those quizzes. Besides, if that is all you post for the week it counts as your weekly post, which is a HSKS requirement.

Slytherin Points
Unfortunately, in all the hoopla, one of the Slytherins was never informed that she was a part of the swap. Of course, completely my fault because I stuck her name in amongst a group of people whom I had already partnered up and sent notices out to, but had to change the mix because of an allergy. Anyway, long story short I have adjusted the Slytherin points to reflect the 1 member who was absent during the first week for posting and during the logo tally. You'll find the new results in the sidebar, and Slytherins . . . you will be very, very pleased :)

HSKS - A History
For all you history buffs and statisticians I've written a little bit of HSKS history. It's located in the side bar at the very bottom. It's also a way for me to just remember the changes and how it all began.

Many of you are aware that a notice was posted for HSS on the HSKS forum on Ravelry. This was completely with my permission. Some of you have also noticed the similarities to the two swaps. Let me tell you a little bit about my relationship with the HSS.

Last year I missed out on the first HSS by about 1 week, I think. It seemed like such a fun swap, but I realized that I wouldn't have done well anyway because I'm not the most accomplished sock knitter.

In '05 I had been part of a Knit Sock Kit Swap by Scout and Bev. After that one was over it became the Knit Mitt Kit Swap. Anyway, I had just begun to read the Harry Potter series and became a quick fanatic, so I decided to combine the two types of swaps. I mimicked most of what I saw on the HSS blog and implemented some things of my own, which has changed quite a bit because of the wonderful input that I receive with every swap from you guys - the participants.

I'm not competitive when it comes to community type enjoyment, and I think that there are so many types of swaps people will pick and choose what they want to participate in or they will choose to participate in many. So, by all means, join in the HSS swap if you wish with a clear conscious. I won't be only because my sock knitting skills leave much to be desired :)


Please make sure you check your secret email address to receive a very important owl! Don't miss out!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Attention All Slytherins

We might be short in numbers but we can be mighty!
We should all meet in the common room and chat.

Posting from your "Main Account"

If you having Gmail forward your mail to your main account you can post from there using your secret account.

Click "Setttings" then
Click "Accounts" then go to
Add another email address

Fill in the two boxes with your Secret Account name and email Address

Click "Next Step"
Click "Verify"
Go to your Secret Account for the code, enter it.

Now go to "Compose" with the "PULL DOWN" arrow you should have your TWO account names.

I am not sure if you can do this will other email formats, if you do know PLEASE post so we all know how to do it.

House Point Update - Blog Posts

As stated before each House earns -10 pts. in demerits for every House member that does not post to either their character blog or their personal blog within the week. So, here are the results for this week.

1st place - Hufflepuff - 90%

2nd place - Ravenclaw - 76%

3rd place - Gryffindor - 70%

4th place - Slytherin - 50%

Points are accumulative. Here are some more stats:

Number of people that have not posted this week

Hufflepuff = 0

Ravenclaw = 2

Gryffindor = 2

Slytherin = 1

All of you must give yourselves a hand because only 5 people out of 83 didn't post in the last week and that's pretty amazing!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Testers Needed!!!

Okay, I finished the fingerless gloves pattern and now I need testers.
I've run behind, so I've added the pattern HERE and you can download.

Ravenclaw Gloves

The only reason they are Ravenclaw gloves is because I'm knitting from my stash and those were the only colors I had :)


I am addressing this to Ravenclaw House, but it most likely is applicable to all the Houses. I have heard from a few Ravenclaws who have either emailed their spoilees and have had no response, or who haven't yet been contacted by their spoilers. Please remember that communication is important, at least initial communication so we know that everyone has their partner's name. If you haven't heard from your spoiler/spoilee, please check your spam folder(s)in case any emails ended up there.

I realize that there are probably many first years who have never participated in a swap before and might be a little overwhelmed by this one because of the amount of communication, quizzes, games, etc. An important part of this swap, other than putting together and mailing your kit, is communication. You are only asked to post to your blog once per week, but you are encouraged to post whenever you want, both on your blog, in the Common Rooms, and/or on Ravelry. This swap is more than just swapping; it's about making friends.

Please contact your House Prefect or Madame Headmistress if you are having any problems. We are all here to help.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dear Gryffindor Sisters

We are all very concerned about your poor lion!  What a terrible cold and cough.  The poor beast is clearly in failing health.  If any of the talented sisters of Ravenclaw can help with a soothing potion or a cough calming charm please let us know.

Poll Results from Beanswallow's

How many socks have you knitted?  With 57 people responding:
0-5      31 (54%)
6-18    18 (31%)
19-50    6 (10%)
50+       2 (3%)

Daily Prophet, Issue 14

Aaaaaaahhhhh (in a nice relaxing sigh). Are things settling down yet? We're heading into the weekend and I may or may not write a Daily Prophet. Depends on how busy I get, I suppose.

By now all swap partners should have been contacted by the person sending to them. If you haven't received any contact please let me know. If you have not contacted the person that you are sending to, by all means, do so right this minute before you even finish reading today's Daily Prophet! I mean it! Open another window and off you go!

I will be checking character blogs (or personal blogs if you don't have a character blog) for the weekly posting points tomorrow night!! You have been forewarned!!!

Character Blogs
I lied! *gasp!* I will accept more character blog url, but only up until Sunday! After that it will be no ifs, ands or buts!!!

This Week in Recap

  • Monday began the first day of classes.

  • The Beginning of Term Feast in the Great Hall Monday night was fabulous!! Let's try it again, shall we? Same bat time, same bat channel. If those that live abroad would like to join in let me know and I can schedule a day chat for the U.S. participants.
Monday, Jan. 21st
3:30 p.m. Standard
5:30 p.m. PST
8:30 p.m. EST
1:30 a.m. UTC
2:30 a.m. CET

  • There was much blushing, and many students desperate for detention with the new DADA teacher Sir Helving Von Humperdink (Lovely accent he has!) and Crispin Black the new Potions teacher.

  • Lots of 1st years were tricked into eating Canary Creams by the 7th year Beauregard Flitwick. The whole true story is told on Allitrya's blog.

  • One student had to drop classes bringing our number down to 83.

  • The Gryffindor prefect had to have a short hospital stay, so the Head Girl Cassandra Puddlemere has taken to rallying the troupes.

As the RAVENCLAW Soars

Good Morning Ravenclaws!!

I just wanted to remind all of my dear fellow Ravenclaws that you should be checking your secret email account at least once per day. I'll not give any spoilers here, but you will all find out personally on Monday why this is so important. ;)




Thursday, January 17, 2008

Daily Prophet, Issue 13

Hello, good afternoon!
I slept the morning away!! I was up all night at work and didn't catch a wink like I normally do, so when I returned home I even had to take a nap for the hour between the time I get home and the time that I take the kiddos to school! Well, I feel much better now, though I probably could have slept a lot longer LOL

Invitation to Blog
Everyone should have received their invitation to blog on this site via their secret email accounts. I accidentally sent about 20 invites out on Saturday to primary accounts, but when I realized my mistake I cancelled those invites. Then Sunday I reissued the invites to the secret email accounts. Since then I've resent twice to those that have yet to join - Monday and last night. So, check your email!!! If you are wondering why you should even bother please visit the previous HSKS blogs and you'll see all the teasing that goes on, plus you'll be able to announce and show off your kit when it arrives in the mail. It helps me keep track of who has received their packages and who is still waiting.

Common Rooms
Are you loving them????!! I am soooooo loving the addition of the Common Rooms for this swap. The Common Rooms and the Ravelry forum gives me the fodder that I need for my Daily Prophets and helps me to answer questions to the masses that might have the same questions as you. I peruse the forum and all Common Rooms daily - eh hem - several times a day. I'm hooked!! And I absolutely LOVE going back and reading all your little chats :) So, keep it up, my friends!

Hogwarts Happenings
Many saw yesterdays prank of Canary Creams to have been a mean and nasty prank, but in truth it was simply a bored 7th year who is in the same class as Allitrya Spelling. At first I thought that Allitrya was the culprit and had to question her thoroughly in my office before she let it slip that Beauregard Flitwick was to blame. I'll have to watch that one! It seems he doesn't have enough homework

Ravenclaw Reminder

I want to remind everyone that you have until midnight on Sunday, January 20, to hand in your House Quiz answers. The quiz has dropped off the front page so you will have to look into older posts. If you have a character blog, post the answers there; if you do not, either email me with your answers to post them here. Show me that we are a House that can get 100% participation! If we can do it now when it doesn't count toward House points, I KNOW we can do it when it does count!

I will be out of town this weekend visiting the Muggle House of Mouse land of fantasy in California. I will draw a name from those who have turned in their answers to the House Quiz upon my return and post the name of the winner and the prize won here.

I understand that some are having problems discovering anything about their swap partners. A suggestion was made at the last meeting of the Ravenclaw Knitting Club that people put a wish list in the sidebar of their blog and list whatever they would like to receive. It would be just another way to let your swap partner what you really like, want and NEED.

Finally, as prefect I have a personal favor to ask of those without character blogs. Could you either post here or leave a comment to let me know that you are checking in here? I just want to make sure everyone is enjoying Hogwarts this year. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Daily Prophet, Issue 12

Good Morning!!
It's so busy around this castle! There seemed to have been a little confusion as to when classes began, but I think there is only one student that will have to find alternate transportation because she missed the Hogwarts Express. Other than that everyone else seems to have settled in rather nicely.

Family Emergency
We had to have one student drop because of a family emergency, so if you would all do me the favor of dropping by her blog and leaving your heartfelt thoughts, I'm sure that would cheer her quite a bit. Let her know that you are a fellow HSKS4 participant. Or you can send her a Hallmark card to her email address.
Debb Van Der Upwich
readernutcase AT

You should have received a database on Satruday with all participants information. This way the one's who do not have character blogs can still get a check-up visit from you. If you did not receive this then shoot me an email. Also, make sure that you are checking the Prefects Common Room. Check the archives to see if you missed anything.

Hogwarts Happenings
A 7th year has decided to relieve a little stress in her life. She dreads her upcoming N.E.W.T.'s and thought that before coming to Hogwarts she would pick up some of the Weasleys Wizard Weezes Canary Creams. She persuaded some of the gullible 1st years' into eating some because they are always attracted to all things yellow. As soon as I find out who the 7th year among us is she will definitely have to receive a little detention!


I have posted on my blog a poll for you all to complete. I want to get as many Gryffindors as possible together for a house meeting and would love to get all of your input as to date and time, apart from our ususally scheduled meetings. Please pop by my page and complete it. Majority Rules. You have 9 days to complete

One more thing my fellow Gryffindors! Remember your heritage! We can win the cup! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cliodna Broomfleet's Ravenclaw Quiz #1

Well, it took me a little extra time, since I had to go read up on everyone's journals, but here's my quiz:

1. Name 4 housemates who have revealed their Patronuses and list the form their Patronuses take.
Fleur Lovegoods – the Phoenix
Cassandra Hopkirk – an Eagle
Minerva Kwikspell – an Eagle
Patonga Pinkstone – a Tiger
Fleur Crockford – a Hydra

2. Who attended the first meeting of the Ravenclaw Knitting Club?
Allitrya Spelling
Cassandra Hopkirk
Elanor Cadogan
Enid Black
Fleur Lovegoods
Gabriella Clearwater
Mafalda Ackerley
Millicent Brocklehurst
Minerva Kwikspell
Serafina Starfire

3. Name the housemate who likes to knit with peacock feathers. Fleur Lovegoods

4. Name the Ravenclaw who spent the New Year at Hogwart's Costume Ball. Emma Diggory

5. Which Ravenclaw got the first howler? Lavender Ackerly

6. Name 5 different types of wood used in the wands of Ravenclaws and name the housemate having that wand.
Ebony – Fleur Lovegoods
Holly – Cassandra Hopkirk, Minerva Kwikspell, Patonga Pinkstone
Tulip – Emma Wigworthy
Hawthorn – Elanor Cadogan, Lavender Ackerly
Maple – Esmerelda Beanswallow
Walnut – Gabriella Clearwater
Birch – Perpetua Phoenixfire
Olive – Enid Black
Apple – Lavender Diggory

7. Who accidentally ate a toenail flavored Every Flavor Bean? Serafina Starfire

8. Who cast a noise dampening spell before going to bed and then overslept? Esmerelda Beanswallow

9. Besides the HSKS4 blog, on what blog will you find the Ravenclaw Anthem? Minerva Kwikspell

10. Which housemate has a Muggle cellular phone? Victoria Black

Clara Clovenhoove's Ravenclaw Quiz

1. Name 4 housemates who have revealed their Patronuses and list the form their Patronuses take.
Cassandra Hopkirk - eagle
Patonga Pinkstone - Tiger
Fleur Crockford - Hydra
Avada Finch-Fletchley - Phoenix

2. Who attended the first meeting of the Ravenclaw Knitting Club?
Elanor Cadogan
Gabriella Clearwater
Fleur Lovegoods
Esmerelda Beanswallow
Cassandra Hopkirk
Millicent Brocklehurst
Minerva Kwikspell
Enid Black
Allitrya Spelling
Mafalda Ackerley
Serafina Starfire

3. Name the housemate who likes to knit with peacock feathers.
Fleur Lovegoods

4. Name the Ravenclaw who spent the New Year at Hogwart's Costume Ball.
Emma Diggory

5. Which Ravenclaw got the first howler?
Lavender Ackerly

6. Name 5 different types of wood used in the wands of Ravenclaws and name the housemate having that wand.
Ebony - Fleur Lovegoods
Maple - Esmerelda Beanswallow
Walnut - Gabriella Clearwater
Holly - Patonga Pinkstone
Hawthorn - Elanor Cadogan

7. Who accidentally ate a toenail flavored Every Flavor Bean?
Serafina Starfire

8. Who cast a noise dampening spell before going to bed and then overslept?
Esmerelda Beanswallow

9. Besides the HSKS4 blog, on what blog will you find the Ravenclaw Anthem?
Minerva Kwikspell

10. Which housemate has a Muggle cellular phone?
Victoria Black

I think I aced this one! Yay Ravenclaws!

Ravenclaw Quiz Reminder

I wanted to clarify that the answers for the Ravenclaw House Quiz are due at midnight PST on Sunday, January 20. I don't want to stress out any students during the beginning of the term, particularly those first years who are still trying to find their way around Hogwarts. The Quiz is posted here in the main blog but you may have to check the archives if it drops off the page. Many very enthusiastic students have already posted their answers, and a few are definitely gone beyond the expected with extra credit which has been duly noted. The results of this Quiz will definitely give me some indication of who the overachievers are and who will need some extra prodding. I'm really hoping for 100% participation!

Daily Prophet, Issue 11

Good morning, everyone! Just a few things of note this morning. Of course, that's what I think every morning and the Daily Prophet seems to get longer and longer everyday!

Character Blogs
I am not accepting anymore character blog additions!
I'm trying to get well prepared for our first Quidditch match and everytime I add a new url to my visiting list I have to start all over, and with almost 100 it takes a long time to sort through which primary blog url to take out of the list so that I can add the appropriate character blog url. It may be confusing now, but you'll understand when I finally post the visiting list.

Primary Blogs
For those of you that do not have character blogs, don't think you are safe to post about your swap partners on your blogs!! Regardless of if you have a character blog or not you will get a visit from everyone that participates in Quidditch. The visiting list will have links without names attached so that we can all search for the Snitch - your spoilee will get a chance to see your blog. She/he just won't know it's you. You've been warned LOL

Daily Prophet
Because this blog has been opened for all to post you'll have to be vigilent about checking the archives for the Daily Prophet because this post may fall off the page before you get a chance to view it.

Hogwarts Happenings
Last nights Beginning of the Year Feast was fabulous! I had a great time getting to know the students and staff that participated. The House Ghosts told me that things got a little . . . shall we say interesting after I left for the night? I heard that the butterbeer was passed around rather liberally. It's to be expected, though, so no worries! As I was leaving I happened to pass Mr. Humperdink in the halls. Quite a stir has been going through the campus over the new DADA teacher, Mr. Humperdink. Many students have been wonder what House he belongs to, as well as Mr. Black. We struck up a lovely conversation, in which I discovered that Mr. Humperdink is none other than a Slytherin through and through. Mr. Black is a Gryffindor, though he tells me that the Sorting Hat almost placed him in Slytherin as it did with some of his ancestors because he, just as Harry did, speaks Parsletongue.