Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daily Prophet, Issue 34

It's so nice to see the owls pouring in with such awesome packages!! Here's our status today of packages not sent:

Will be sending before week's end
Fleur Bloomfleet
Hermione Phoenixfire

Not sure of send date, please email
Petunia Acromantula

Will be sending before week's end
Enid Black
Fern Fiddlewithers

Hasn't contacted us
Victoria Black

Will be sending before week's end
Emma Dumbledore

Hasn't contacted us
Olive Broomfleet


Denazraella Daemonova said...

I have spare Slytherin and Ravenclaw yarn never used (just bought in fact) in case you need an angel for either of the 2 incommunicatos.

Denazraella Daemonova said...
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Anonymous said...

Victoria Black was able to get her package sent out today, so it's on the way. :) She has emailed the tracking information.
