Friday, March 7, 2008

Ravenclaw Quiz Complete!

Here's my Spells Quiz:

1. Do my homework for me.
Paporum Compelum
2. Tidy up my bedroom.
Spit-Spot Nocturnum
3. Make a delicious chocolate cake.
Cacao Patisserus Productum
4. Make my professor stay in bed today.
Slumborum Professorus
5. I would like breakfast in bed, please.
Full English Slumborum (please)
6. Stick all my Quidditch opponents' feet to the floor.
Quidditch Stickkitch
7. Give everyone the giggles.
8. Dye some yarn in my favorite color.
Fiberus Alizarus
9. Unravel the mess I've made with my yarn.
10. Knit my Prefect the perfect bag!
Prefect Perfectus Feltus


Emma Wigworthy said...

Love them! Unravelamora is inspired!

Rob said...

Thanks for the laugh. Most fun I had all day. We want more.
E unum morum