Thursday, January 10, 2008

Daily Prophet, Issue 8

Call me Insane . . .
I have been putting January 18th as the sign up deadline when all along I've meant to close sign ups TOMORROW! I know, I know, I am going crazy. When did I realize my mistake, do you ask? Last night whilst at work I was looking at the calendar once again (today is payday) and I placed my finger on the calendar and thought about the swap. Then my finger ran it's way down to the 18th and I thought OH MY GOODNESS! We can't wait that long, can we?? No, no, that won't do. Sign ups close tomorrow and the swap will begin. Afterall, I've already begun to send out partners. If people come here because they saw it posted that the swap was still open I WILL accept them, but on paper the sign up is closing tomorrow.

Blogging and participation points
I just wanted to clarify how participation points are racked up. When Quidditch takes place any House can earn 100% participation points if everyone in their House answers the trivia questions and posts pictures/links for the scavenger hunt. Everyone in the House does not have to have a character blog in order for the House to earn participation points. This is the first time that HSKS participants have had character blogs and the excitement for them didn't start until after our dear Ms. Beanswallow put up the first one.

At the conclusion of each Quidditch match I will personally visit every blog to record points. In the case of a character blog, please post your Quidditch answers on your character blog instead of your personal blog. I am going to make a 'visiting list' for myself especially for the purpose of recording scores. The 'visiting list' will also be posted so that each of you may search for the Snitch when it's released. The 'visiting list' will not be attached to any names, but will only contain the urls which are to be visited. That's why it's very important for those without a character blog to be careful of what types of hints you leave on you blog in relation to the kits you are putting together.

Hogwarts Happenings
As the Headmistress I visit the grounds daily to greet the students and to make sure that they are settling in and not missing their families too much. Students have been warned to stay away from the Forbidden Forest so I rarely check there, besides Hagrid takes good care of the forest for us all. I was making my way back to the castle when I noticed what looked like an impromptu lesson in Orchideous from Penelope of Flitwick, who is our only 3rd year this time around. I could see that many of the Hufflepuff's gathered around her trying to learn this new spell. Though I wondered what would lead her to teach the innocent 1st years that spell I decided to leave them be. Afterall, what kind of harm could come from that spell?? I hope that it won't turn into another common room disaster, such as what happened with the Ravenclaw Common Room yesterday.

Hogwarts Birthdays
Cecilia Kettleburn - Jan. 11
Olive Bladvak - Jan. 12
Perpetua Phoenixfire (G) - Jan. 23
Allitrya Spelling - Jan. 31
Helga Lovegoods - Feb. 10
Olive Bloomfleet - Feb. 12
Violet le Veela - March 3
Doris Boomslang - March 6
Avada Finch-Fletchley - March 14
Cassandra Black - March 16
Fern Fiddlewithers - March 26
Emma Wigworthy - April 5
Hermione Phoenixfire - April 10


Anonymous said...

You missed my birthday! LOL! March 3rd.

Anonymous said...

Well first years need to start some where. Flowers one day patronuses the next!